Ryan smiled as he looked up to find Caleb walking into the room. As my executive officer, I will be sending him on many missions and many of them are going to be dangerous. She died on an away mission that my father sent her on.

The closer we grow, the more I think I understand my father as it relates to my mother and her death. “Speaking of relationships! Caleb and I continue to grow closer together. I need to find a way to connect with Talex if we are to have a chance at a conflict free working relationship. I imagine the knife cut deeper to learn he would have to take orders from a junior officer. Less than two months ago, he was the second officer on the station under Admiral Mirsa and rather than be given command of the station after the Admiral was arrested must have been a blow to his self esteem. I can understand how this situation is rubbing him wrong. Commander Talex has been a bit standoffish in our interactions. The crew is coming together and finding their balance both personally and professionally. Chief Engineer Jace Brackett is most proud of his staff and work. On another note, the Excalibur has been repaired. Our previous conversations did not seem out of the ordinary and he was happy and progressing well in his rehab. I find it odd he has not contacted me or let me know that he was thinking of leaving. I was informed he had checked out against the advice of his doctor. Speaking of Dad, I tried to contact him yesterday at the Starfleet rehab facility on Earth, to see how he was doing. I can only hope I fare half as well as he did. Now? Now, I know what he must have been feeling. Dad always seemed in control and confident, even when the ship was at red alert and in combat. I never quite understood the burden that comes with command. “Personal Log: It has been almost two months since my life was turned upside down and I still don’t feel like I am upright yet. Chapter : 1 Star Trek: Excalibur Book 2 Copyright © 2018 by Zach Calswell.