At $2.99, consider Conquest of the Wizardlands an essential addon to the base game. Players that already have Dungeons of Dredmor will find Conquest of the Wizardlands a nourishing alchemic addition that complements the current game admirably, while new players interested in getting into the game will find the content more accessible than much of Realm of the Diggle Gods. The new skill trees can be used as a flavorful splash to popular metagame favorites from previous expansion content or used en masse for something… Well, something completely different.

Conquest of the Wizardlands comes with six all new trees – The new skill trees come laced with humor and new opportunities. so that's a lot of fun as well,” says Gaslamp Games. People seem to be enjoying it there are folks passing around new codes for Wizardlands on our forums, on Reddit, on SomethingAwful. This was originally supposed to be in the game at launch, but we never actually got around to it until now. “We also wanted to add a little social metagame to encourage Dredmor players to talk to each other and spread the gospel of Krong hence, the trading element of the Wizardland grafitti. Players feeling particularly salty may wish to offer a friend – or enemy – a particularly nasty map. These codes add a social element to the game, as friends can swap levels. The wizard graffiti can be found everywhere, and can be used to access various Wizardlands. So the Wizardlands is mainly supposed to be an expansion for everybody - even if you don't get off of Floor 1, you'll find new stuff,” says Gaslamp Games. “We learned a lot from our first expansion pack, Realm of the Diggle Gods we put a lot of end-game content in that expansion and didn't realize that a lot of our users never really saw the end-game. That said, content for Conquest of the Wizardlands is very accessible for new players, as wizard graffiti and keys can begin being accessed on the first floor. As with most areas of the game, caution and a few levels will go a long way to surviving the new zones. Entry to the new Wizardland areas is voluntary, but one never knows if the code passed along from a friend or forum will lead to a relatively unguarded treasure trove or a floor fourteen death trap. Players opting to play the game with the standard “permadeath” option selected should venture into the new zones with extreme care. Dungeons of Dredmor is well known for its mix of irreverent humor and almost certain death.